- You can share activities across the whole Internet
- Google Video does not work (due to gnash lacking .flv file support apparently) Maybe I can install regular flash?
- Normal computers can connect to the XO's mesh network (though it crashed my network card after a while).It shows up as "olpc-mesh"
- Support for WPA appears to be very finicky
Then I decided to start messing around with gasp , and I figured out several things
- In some areas of the system ,gasp works just fine natively but if it is part of an activity it needs(or rather pygame does) the olpcgame wrapper.
- Its better suited for building activities then being an activity itself
- Someone has already mentioned gasp as a useful game development tool on the game development page (this certainly was not me)
- Pippy example code would be really sweet.
Of course the nostalgia ran out in about 10 minutes,but it was still fun.
Well, hopefully I can figure out my networking issues and dig deeper into this great device.
Yeah, the gnash player does not accept Flash files. There is a linux version of Flash that you can download from the Adobe site. There are also some specific steps that you need to follow to accomplish this. I had a tech from the OLPC corp help me do this on one of the laptops I have. I will find the instructions and post them in another comment. If you would like, I will also connect you by telephone with the tech so that he can walk you through installing this (and he can answer other questions as well).
Yeah, I thought as much. I noticed that someone previously attempted to install flash on this laptop and failed. If I figure it out I will write a python or bash script to make it easy.
Fantastic. here are the instructions that the OLPC folks had originally provided me. I think this is why it didn't work!
To install flash player plugin 9 for the gecko/xulrunner web browser, do the following:
Open a terminal as root
Download the plugin file:
wget http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz
Unpack it:
tar xzvf install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz
Run the flashplayer-installer and follow instructions (the install folder is /usr/lib/xulrunner-XXXXX/):
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