Friday, December 21, 2007

DC XO Learning Club meetup!

On Wednesday, I went to the first meetup of the OLPC Learning Club. It had a great turnout with the official count being at 42 people.(however, some people came after that count was taken.) I talked with many great people from both the enthusiast and volunteer expert sides of things.

Pictures can be found here: (my flickr account is mattva17a)


Unknown said...

Glad I found your Blog. Sounds like you're experiencing the same excitement that I am.

I'm really jealous that you have so many other XO users in the area.

Matthew Gallagher said...

Well thanks, its been real great to be involved in something that allows me to use both my technical skills and to help out those in need. I have a feeling I will be linking to your XO blog in the future.

PS. I have found WinPatrol very useful on several occasions. Great Program!